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Student Comments

" Simple but powerful techniques.  Easy to use with great benefits."

"Great class!  Everyone should be taught these techniques." 

"Nice job presenting a unique class with an immediate result!" 

"I think that this will help me to avoid hand problems at work." 

"Great information presented in a fun way!" 

"This was fabulous.  My hands and arms which were causing me problems from too much typing feel so much better." 

"Really was impressed by the gentle approach that could be so effective in releasing built up tension." 

"The techniques really work!  So relaxing and healing!" 

"I am so glad I took this class.  It will help me every day." 

These comments are from one of our live classes.  Our DVD was created using the same techniques and information.


© 2015 Restoration Therapeutic LLC.  All Rights Reserved.  1109 Iowa Ave W, St. Paul, MN 55108